Distance Learning Webinar

Interested in a distance learning program for your child?

In a season of great change and uncertainty, you may be wondering if a Distance Learning Program is the right fit for your children and family. 

Based on the feedback we’ve received from our current families, we feel inspired to lead a webinar that helps to guide you through the unique details of our program and how it can assist in providing your child(ren) with the tools he/she needs to thrive in a home learning setting.


In this webinar, you’ll:

»  Learn how we conduct individual and group lessons

» Hear how our children can still interact regularly with their peers

» Get insight into the materials that we send home in weekly packages

» Gain understanding our how we conduct extracurriculars

» and much, much more!


Webinar details:

DATE: October 9th, 2020

TIME: 1:00PM

This webinar is designed for parents of Early Childhood children (ages 3-6). Register below!